Garments Under Lay Paper Newsprint Paper Marker Paper 42/45/48/50g
newsprint paper(underlay paper/marker paper) is lightweight paper commonly used in various industries, including fashion, textiles, and printing.
Newsprint Paper: Newsprint paper is a low-cost, lightweight paper commonly used for printing newspapers. In the fashion and garment industry, it is often used as underlay paper. When creating patterns for clothing, the newsprint paper is placed underneath the fabric and serves as a base for cutting and marking the pattern. It provides stability and prevents damage to surfaces beneath the fabric during cutting.
Underlay Paper: Underlay paper refers to a thin, smooth paper that is used to enhance the visibility and accuracy of pattern markings. It is placed directly on top of the fabric and underneath the pattern. By placing the underlay paper, pattern markings, such as notches, darts, and grain lines, can be more easily transferred onto the fabric during the cutting process.
Marker Paper: Marker paper is a transparent or semi-transparent paper used for creating markers. Markers are essentially a layout of pattern pieces on a large sheet of paper. They are used to optimize fabric usage during cutting to minimize waste. Marker paper allows pattern pieces to be arranged and positioned accurately on the marker, ensuring efficient fabric utilization.
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